As one of the best investment law firms in Cameroon, we are widely recognized as a leader in the areas of hedge funds, private equity, and other alternative investment funds as one of Cameroon investment and securities firms Cameroon prides itself on qualified lawyers who provide advice and support on structuring, establishment, and capital-raising for start-ups, alternative investment funds, implementing a wide range of hedge fund strategies, as well as funds investing in private equity, listed shares, distressed debt, investment law services in Cameroon for local businesses and other credit-led opportunities, real estate, infrastructure and a broad range of different asset classes.
Our investment lawyers in Cameroon have significant knowledge and experience advising clients on their fund-raising activities and negotiating with investors. Our experience spans domestic trade and investment laws, international rules and treaties, and international dispute settlement in trade and investment matters as one of Cameroon’s investment arbitration law firms.
We have in-depth experience as one of the leading investment law firms in Cameroon with emerging markets funds investments and are familiar with the issues that arise under local laws and how they have been resolved as well as understand the special risks and how to address them.
- Investment treaties and disputes
- Foreign direct and portfolio investment
- Transactional due diligence and investigation
- Customs and border administration are services we render as one of the best investment law firms in Cameroon
- Trade sanctions and restrictions
- Trade Agreement
- As one of the best investment law firms in Cameroon, we advise on Cross-border trade finance
- Litigation and alternative dispute resolution mechanism
To conclude, as one of the leading investment law firms in Cameroon for foreign investors, we ensure stakeholders are represented at all phases of investment negotiations and execution.
Article by Barr. Mafany victor Ngando
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.