Conducting a company search in Cameroon is one of the major ways to conduct due diligence on a company in Cameroon. The Trade and Personal Property Rights Registry (TPPRR), supervises the incorporation of companies and maintains records of all registered companies in Cameroon Consequently, Conducting a company search in Cameroon must be through the TPPRR
There are different types of company searches that can be conducted with the TPPRR in Cameroon.
Companies or individuals may want to ascertain a shipment procedure , check the company trading history especially for international trade thus making company search an important aspect in corporate world.
The types of searches that can be carried out with the TPPRR depend on the purpose such searches are to be used.Essentially, manual Search is one method than can be used to conduct the company search in Cameroon since there is no centralize online search plateform.
Manual Search: The manual search at the TPPRR involves pulling out the record or file of the targeted company off the shelf by the TPPRR and allowing any interested party to conduct a thorough search on it. This type of search can only be conducted at the TPPRR office itself, and it is relevant for many reasons. Such reasons include checking whether the company was duly registered.
Essentially, a manual search will reveal a number of details information about the company, which will include the names and addresses of the directors of the company, the names, and addresses of the shareholders of the company, the number, and allotment of shares of the company, details of the registered office address and particulars of the company secretary.
In conclusion, the importance of carrying out a company search cannot be over-emphasized. It is the duty of any person or entity that intends to enter into any transaction or contract with a company to carry out the required search on the company before entering into the transaction.
There are dire consequences for dealing with the wrong officers of a company. For instance, under the Cameroon law, a company may not be bound by a contract or an agreement wrongly executed by a person not authorized by it or who is not among the officers of a company recognized by the OHADA Uniform Act.
Therefore, a company manual search is very relevant in determining or establishing the list of officers or directors of any company. It can also be used to identify an appropriate registered address to serve any court summons or processes in case of any litigation against the company.
Finally, it is relevant to state that any good corporate law firm in Cameroon can diligently carry out a company search on behalf of any clients for a fee.
Article by Barr. Mafany Victor Ngando
Kinsmen Advocates Law Firm
“The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.