Due to mistakes, carelessness, and a plethora of other factors, there are persons who will transfer or pay money into the wrong MTN MoMo number in Cameroon different from the MTN Mobile Money number in Cameroon they intended to pay or transfer the money into. Most times, individuals who find themselves in this type of quagmire situation usually resort to hopelessness and helplessness owing to palpable ignorance, and as such, they end up losing and forfeiting the money wrongly paid except the engaging an MTN MoMo restitution legal process through their lawyer.
Francis Bacon, once said that knowledge is power, it is on the strength of that quote, that the writer will try to explain the procedure to recover money paid into an account different from the one they intended via a Court order for the wrong MTN mobile money transaction.
Here is a general guide on the steps to take for restitution of money sent to the wrong MTN Mobile Money number in Cameroon;
The first step to take in this situation is to promptly inform the nearest MTN office, either by writing, calling the customer care line, or personally visiting MTN to explain the predicament viva voce. Once the predicament is explained to the MTN, it then behooves the MTN to immediately block the MTN Mobile money number as a measure to prevent the account holder from withdrawing the money.
Secondly, MTN on receipt of the complaint made by the transferor will have to act quickly to correct the mistake by immediately blocking the wrong MTN MoMo number account received and issuing a signed printed of the transaction history to be used in engaging the court order for MTN MoMo number restitution.
- Prepare an application letter addressed to “The President of the court” with the subject An Application to Authorise Restitution of Money Wrongfully sent to MTN MoMo number (mention number)
- Mention the date and the MTN MoMo number in Cameroon that the money was wrongfully transferred.
- Mention the fact that you reported to MTN and the MTN MoMo number was accordingly blocked
- Mention that you are applying for a court order to refund the money.
- Ensure you sign the document and attach a copy of the applicant ID and MTN transaction history.
- Contact your lawyer to file a motion praying the court to re-transferred money wrongfully sent to an MTN MoMo number back to your MTN MoMo number in Cameroon.
- Ensure your lawyer files an affidavit in support of the motion paper duly deposed and executed before the commissioner of oath with all exhibits attached.
- Observe your lawyer on the date fixed for the hearing argue the motion exparte and ensure a court order for MTN MoMo restitution is granted in accordance with Section 15(1) (b) of Law No 2006/015 of 29th/12/2006 on Judicial Organization as amended by the 2011 Law.
- Ensure the court order is executed by the judge and registrar in attendance with an executory formula inserted into it.
- Contact a bailiff to serve the court order to MTN and you’re wrongfully transferred is restituted to your mobile money number.
Should you find yourself in a situation with the wrong MTN MoMo number in a Cameroon transaction and you are in doubt about the process to obtain a court order for MTN MoMo restitution, please contact our legal services for a professional guide on your circumstance.
Article by MAFANY victor NGANDO
“The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advise should be sought about your specific circumstance”.