Litigation, Advocacy & Dispute resolution (ADR)

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Kinsmen Advocates law Firm engages in criminal defence and human rights enforcement in Cameroon.

Our primary focus areas in criminal defence are white-collar crimes. We represent clients in all courts in Cameroon including military and special criminal courts. Our team are highly respected for our Courtroom skills and advocacy.

We constantly institute fundamental rights applications in court in deserving circumstances where citizens’ and foreigners’ constitutional and fundamental rights are being or have been violated or trampled upon.

Our Services:

  • Instituting fundamental human rights enforcement action to compel the release of accused being unlawfully detained or harassed.
  • Representing accused in criminal charges, especially on white-collar crimes
  • Offering legal advisory on criminal and civil matters
  • Engaging in pro-bono to indigent accused in deserving circumstances
  • Filing appeals in criminal matters
  • Instituting criminal complaints on behalf of clients and cooperating with law enforcement agencies in criminal matters.
  • Filing bail applications on behalf of the accused.

Kinsmen Advocate’s team of first-class and proven Arbitrators and Mediators have the expertise to bring your case to a justiciable end through arbitration and mediation proceedings.

With close to a 100% success rate, we also attempt to settle disputes amicably and zealously.

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