An asylum seeker is a person who has fled from Cameroon due to fear of persecution , inhuman treatment or that it is unsafe to return to Cameroon due to political instability. A Cameroonian can apply for asylum (an affirmative or defensive asylum) in USA especially when the government default in guaranteeing maximum protection.
An affirmative asylum seeker is one who legally entered America through the airport and believe will be persecution upon return to Cameroon whereas a defensive asylum seeker is one whose entry is illegal via boarders and believe will be persecuted if returned because of his political society membership in Cameroon. Article 14(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantee protection to Cameroonian who apply for asylum in USA.
Procedure to Apply for Asylum ( Affirmative)
The procedure for an affirmative asylum applicant is straight . The applicant is expected to file an application within one year of entry in the USA and present a credible story to the interviewer when called . The US is aware of all happenings in Cameroon so any false statement will be disqualified making deportation inevitable.
Procedure for apply for asylum ( defensive)
The procedure for defensive asylum applicant is cumbersome especially as most Cameroonian enter USA illegally through the boarders. Applicants are expected to present a legitimate story at entry boarder point and maintain same in the detention center . A defensive applicants can stay in the detention centers until the case is called upon or can apply for bail and complete the process . Applicants must show proof of persecution in Cameroon or their entire story will be deemed fraudulent.
The applicants is expected to provide information as to: What happened to him/her in Cameroon,what could happen if he/she should return to Cameroon , describe specific incidents and dates, avoid general statements. It is a good idea to brief a recognized Humans Right Attorney and attach a written declaration notarized by a notary public seal of truth.
Political Applicant
Cameroon political asylum seekers are usually frightened to live in their country because they are victims of threat, physical harm and denigration of their human dignity . Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantee the right of political asylum seekers . The information provided to the asylum officer as a political asylum seeker similar to defensive applicants.
This is an entire legal process recognized In international law and also international treaties ratify by Cameroon.
An Article by Tonga Benjamin Mekinde
Kinsmen Advocates
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.