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The prevalence of cybercrimes in Cameroon is alarming . Cameroon today is one of the countries in the world that have accepted the use of the internet and other technology tools to engage in personal and business activities . This wide acceptance of internet technology in Cameroon has led to an increase in cyber crimes in Cameroon. Cybercrime come in the form of; fraudulent electronic emails, identity theft, cyber harassment, spamming, pornography and hacking thus making internet extortion in Cameroon a threat to the lives of Cameroonians, their economy and the reputation of Cameroonians in the international scene thus combating cybercrime in Cameroon is necessary.

Computer Crimes & Security Threat in Cameroon

The government of Cameroon in his campaign to combat computer crimes & security threats targeted to foreigners, individuals and corporate institution have promulgated the law on cybersecurity and cyber criminality in 2010. Internet extortion in Cameroon takes the form of; phishing (theft of identity), theft of bank cards, cyber pornography, scams, software piercing, sales frauds & forgery data & airtime, charity fund, hacking and theft of network service. Here are some of the causes of internet extortion in Cameroon; unemployment, quest of wealth by youths, incompetent security and control on a personal computer.

Combating Cybercrimes in Cameroon

We know combating cybercrimes in Cameroon is a process reason why the law firm of Kinsmen Advocates has put in place a team of cyber expert to combat computer crimes & security threats in Cameroon in close collaboration with our partners. Here are some of the measures in combating cybercrimes in Cameroon and we urge all suspected cases to be reported to our team so we can track, arrest, recover stolen wealth and push for the prosecution:

  • Avoid scammers who claim to be government officials who can guarantee contract commission.
  • Avoid paying money to companies or individuals who claim to be engaged in (gold, diamond, timber, rubber, cotton without appropriate due diligence.
  • Avoid scammers (companies or individuals) claiming to possess a large quantity of vegetable oil (soya beans, palms, wildlife and pet animals)
  • Avoid sending money to adopt a child you have only heard on the internet without adequate due diligence.
  • Conduct legal due diligence by engaging an expert law firm.
  • Carefully select the sites you visit by ensuring they are trusted.


As a leading cyber crime firm in Cameroon, we have registered significant success in combating cybercrime in Cameroon and internet extortion in Cameroon. Our interventions are strictly within the law and our success story ranges from tracking cybercriminals through our network, recover ill-gotten wealth, repatriate the funds and engage in rigorous due diligence.

Article by Barr. Mafany Victor Ngando

Kinsmen Advocates

‘‘The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.’’

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