To operate an air transporter in Cameroon, an enterprise must obtain an Air Operator license. An Air operator license is a document granted to an enterprise authorizing it to carry out air transport business. The said document attests that an enterprise has satisfied the legal, financial, economic, and moral conditions required by the regulations in force.
The Cameroon Airline Corporation is a state-owned corporation in charge of aviation activities within the national territory. The Cameroon Airline Corporation has monopolized flights within Cameroon and recently expanded its activities from Douala -Baffousam, Douala- Bafut, Douala- Garoua, and Douala-Ebolowa. Internationally, Camerco dominates french speaking countries within CEMAC Zone but does not operate flights within ECOWAS Zone.
To obtain an Air operator license in Cameroon an enterprise has to address a request to the ministry specifying the kind of air transport activity (regular/Scheduled, non-regular/chattered, or Cargo flights) it intends to operate. Apart from the above request, the enterprise will have to submit the following information and documents to CCAA :
- Name and address of the head office of the enterprise
- A duly registered statute of the enterprise
- Organization chart (managers responsible for operations, maintenance, training, and flight safety
- Name of aircraft to be operated and volume of activity envisaged
- Description of planned operation including zones, routes, airport of destination, and alternative airports
- Projections on traffic and revenue for the first three years
- An economic study of routes taking into consideration the cost of operation of the aircraft type to be used
- A marketing strategy that the enterprise intents to adopt
- Disposition is taken with regards to offices, acquisition or lease of aircraft, its maintenance, and insurance policy
- Date of commencement of operations and details of the take-off cost including the source of financing
- Financial guarantee to cover the cost of operations for the first six months of activities.
The General Delegation for National Security shall investigate the shareholders in order to establish a moral guarantee. If the outcome of the above-mentioned investigation is favorable, a report proposing the issuance of an Air operator license is submitted for the appreciation of the general manager. Our firm can represent you all at levels to obtain an air operator license.
Article By: Barr Ndikum Ransome Ndikum
Kinsmen Advocates
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.