The law that governs immigration in Cameroon is decree no:2007/255/PR of 4th September 2007 which lays down the condition foreigners must satisfy to be issued a a resident permit in Cameroon , a work permit and a business permit Cameroon.
Work permit in Cameroon
One of the biggest barriers to foreigners planning to work in Cameroon is their inability to understand the requirement and procedure of securing a work permit in Cameroon. An applicant for work permit in Cameroon must ensure he/she has acquired employment in any registered company in Cameroon. Also the employment company must be ready to act as sponsor to the applicant if not the applicant must first secure a sponsor within Cameroon be contemplating of a work permit in cameroon.
A foreigner is expected to comply with following immigration requirements in procuring a work permit in Cameroon:-
- An application for work permit in cameroon must be addressed to the minister
- A copy of employment contract
- A copy of professional certificate
- A copy of medicals
- A copy of entry visa or resident permit for those already residing in Cameroon
- A copy of the company”s profile
- A copy of residence certificate
- Statutory payment
Foreigners are thereafter expected to secure the services of a local immigration attorney to properly secure an appointment at the ministry , certify and notarize all documents and submit to the minister who reserve the right to accept or reject the application of work permit in Cameroon. Kinsmen Advocates immigration attorneys are more than competent and capable in representing you ethically.
Resident Permit
In Cameroon , Identification cards are regularly checked by security forces on control enough reasons why we advice foreigners to regularize their stay in Cameroon by securing a valid resident permit in Cameroon. Also Cameroon does not recognize dual citizenship so even Cameroonians by birth are expected to apply for a resident permit especially with the introduction of a biometric system. Recently Nigerians who intend transferring their immigration case file from Nigeria to Cameroon , are required to show proof of resident permit and Nigerian consular identity card. The conditions for issuance of resident permit in Cameroon is as follows:-
- An application for resident permit in Cameroon addressed to the immigration office.
- A copy of residency certificate
- A copy of yellow fever card
- A copy of employment contract or admission letter
- A Copy of 3 months entry visa in Cameroon
- Tax / Revenue receipt
- Consular card/Attestation of membership in country union
Business permit in Cameroon is required for all foreigners who intend to resident in Cameroon for business purposes . The following documents must be compiled to apply for a Business permit in Cameroon;
1 . A copy of residence certificate
2 . Copy of 3 months entry visa
3 . Company Tax payers card
4 . Company profile
5 . Copy of passport date page
6 . Application for business permit
Foreigners are advised to secure the services of an immigration attorney to submit the relevant documents , book an appointment for capturing , finger print and signature. A temporal resident card shall be issued and thereafter an original delivered approximately 3 months. If the original exceeds three months , please seek advise from your immigration lawyer as they may be a change of name , change of status or dual nationality signal at the central printing registry. The resident permit is valid for two(2) years and must be renewed thereafter.
In conclusion , we enjoin foreigners to approach Kinsmen Advocates as we are more than ready to represent you secured either a resident permit especially for immigration to USA and easy visa procurement for Cameroonians with European nationality.
Article By: Barr Mafany victor Ngando
Kinsmen Advocates
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.